Before discussing the benefits and side effects of aspirin, there are some people who should not take aspirin. These include:
a. Allergies to ASA
b. last trimester of pregnancy
c. prone to bleeding
d. has an active peptic ulcer
e. taking blood thinner medication.
1. Aspirin indeed helps your blood from clotting. If you suffer any bleeding, taking aspirin will make bleeding harder to stop. Study show that aspirin might increase the bleeding complication. If you are taking any blood thinner medication or you have an ulcer, please consult with your doctor before taking aspirin. For people suffering from hemorrhages (this is the loss of blood from the circulatory system or internal bleeding taking aspirin) they would do more harm than good.
2. Aspirin increases the risk of bleeding and hemorrhagic strokes that are caused by blood vessels bursting in or around your brain. Therefore do not assume that taking an aspirin a day would do no harm. Please consult with with your doctor before starting aspirin therapy.
3. Study shows that aspirin does not work well with people with high cholesterol levels. People with cholesterol levels over 220 respond poorly to aspirin therapy. Therefore, if your cholesterol level is over 220 you might need to find some other therapy to lower the risk of heart diseases.
Aspirin also causes some side affects such as heartburn, indigestion and mild-to-moderate abdominal or stomach cramps.
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